ECSMGE 2007, Madrid


L. Kellezi, G. Kudsk, H. Hofstede: Skirted footings capacity for combined loads and layered soil conditions

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L. Kellezi, G. Kudsk & H. Hofstede: Jack- up rig foundation design applying 3D FE structure – soil – interaction modelling

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S. Krabbenhøft, L. Damkilde & A. Andersen: Field tests with drilled shafts in tension in frictional soil

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Brian Simpson (UK): A holistic view – and the origins of Design Approach 1

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Sarah Springman (Switzerland): Niels Krebs Ovesen – his legacy in physical modelling

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Trevor L.L. Orr (Ireland): The story of Eurocode 7 – the challenges in developing a European geotechnical limit state design code for the Eurocode Era

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Frans B.J. Barends (Netherlands): Geotechnics in Modern Societies

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Peter Day (South Africa): Krebs Ovesens legacy to South Africa: a harmonized basis-of-design code

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Jørgen S. Steenfelt (Denmark): Transcendent foundation solutions (The cross pollination of scientific and industrial disciplines to overcome economic and technical challenges in foundation of large bridge structures)

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L. Kellezi, H. Denver, G. Kudsk & H. Stadsgaard: FE skirted footings analyses for combined loads and layered soil profile

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